عدد 99 مقال تحت قسم الإنتاج الحيواني
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الترتيب حسب
جمع السائل المنوي في الحيوانات - فيديو
Rotavirus has been recognized as a predominant cause of acute diarrhea in young animals and humans. Rotavirus has segmented genome composed of 11 segments of double stranded RNA. The virus
A 12-year-old female Shih Tzu dog was referred with diarrhea. Hematological examination indicated severe non-regenerative anemia. Bone marrow aspiration smears and core biopsy specimens revealed normal bone marrow. Based on
Milk from different animal species has variable levels of antimicrobial factors against some of spoilage bacteria. For example, they are significantly present in higher concentration in she-camel’s milk than in
Caesarean of Lion (Panthera leo) at Dulahajra Safari Park, Bangladesh
A six years eight months pregnant lioness at the Dulahajara Safari Park, Chakoria, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, was presented with dystocia. This paper described the pre-, intra- and postoperative procedures including
Physical and morphometric characterization of indigenous cattle of Assam
The present investigation was undertaken to study the physical and morphometric characteristics in indigenous cattle of Assam. The data pertain to 339 indigenous cattle of different categories. The physical characteristics
Using light and melatonin in the management of New Zealand White rabbits
Lighting system is a stimulant for reproduction in some species (Horses) and an inhibitor for others (Sheep). This study started on September 1st and planned to study the effects of
الأبقار الأبقار Bovins حيوانات مجترة ذات أظلاف وقرون جوفاء غير متساقطة تتبع في معيشتها البرية نظام القطعان. وليس لها في الفك العلوي قواطع وأنياب، وللإناث ضرع مكوّن
فحص الحمل بواسطة الامواج فوق الصوتية فىالابقار والمجترات الصغيرة22
وزارة الثروة الحيوانية والسمكية - ولاية كسلا- السودان
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