Jaundice explained: cause, treatment and symptoms

Jaundice: What it is?
Jaundice is a disorder of body characterized by yellowing of the skin and the sclera or whites of the eyes. Need less to mention that jaundice is not a disease but only a sign to many other different diseases. The basic cause of the disorder is due to the high level of chemical bilirubin in the blood. The yellow pigmentation on the body absolutely depend upon the of the chemical, the yellow pigmentation of the skin and the sclera may vary. If the concentration of the chemical is too high, then the coloration may changes to brown not yellow.

The high level of bilirubin is the prime cause of jaundice. In addition to that the other causes of jaundice are
1)      Inflammation of the liver, known as hepatitis and caused by a virus
2)      There are certain diseases, which could cause discoloration [jaundice] e.g. typhoid, malaria, yellow fever and tuberculosis
3)      Obstruction in the bile ducts due to gallstones
4)      Haemolytic anemia


Patients suffering from Jaundice will have extreme fever in addition to that heave headache will be a major area of concern. Extreme weakness and loss appetite are the other common symptoms of jaundice. Adding to the worry of that patient will also suffer from severe constipation, dull pain over the liver region, yellow discoloration of the eyes, tongue, skin and darkish yellow urine. Due to obstructive jaundice patient will also have itching in the whole body.

What are the treatment and remedies? 
1) Tomatoes: 
Tomatoes are considered to be the best food to be consumed when you are suffering from jaundice. Take a glass of pure tomato juice with a pinch of salt and pepper early every morning
2) Lemon: 20ml of pure lemon juice mixed into a glass of water, taken several times a day will remove a lot of worries. In fact it is beneficial and helps in protection of liver cell.
3)Barely Water: boil 1 cup of barley in 3 liters of water for around three hours and take it with a regular interval, it is very useful.
4) Bitter luffa: pound the bitter luffa [preferably green] in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the liquid, place the liquid in the palm of the hand and sniff it up through the nostrils, from the next day you will observe that a it has a very useful effect. In addition to that it will also remove other worries like dizziness, migraines and fever [especially in a delicate patient.
5) Leaves of snake gourd: Take an infusion of 15gm dried leaves in 250ml of boiling water, while this is cooling you will need to make a coriander mixture, give to the patient at least 3 times daily. After 3 days you can see a drastic improvement in patients’ health.
7) Glass of sugarcane juice, mixed with the juice of half a lime: At least twice a day take a glass of sugar cane juice and take care when squeezing this plant as there will be sand etc on the outside and this could infect the juice making the already weak patient even sicker.



الثروة الحيوانيةوالسمكية كسلا

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نشرت فى 4 أكتوبر 2012 بواسطة kassalagaar

وزارة الثروة الحيوانية والسمكية - ولاية كسلا- السودان

هي وزارة تعنى بتطوير قطاع الثروة الحيوانية والسمكية وتنمية الرعاة من خلال تقديم الخدمات البيطرية والإرشادالبيطري وخدمات الإنتاج للوصول لأعلى مستويات الإنتاج الحيواني والسمكي وتحسين صحة الحيوان . »


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